Qu is a fast and efficient interpreter. It is significantly faster than
Perl, Python, Ruby and PHP. It even matches the speed of some static
Here are the result of some programs as found in the
The Computer Language Shootout Benchmarks
tested on an Intel Pentium-4 1.7GHz system using Qu-1.21.
heapsort (100000) |
C (gcc) | 0.05 |
Java * | 0.31 |
Qu -O | 0.76 |
Euphoria | 0.85 |
Qu | 1.46 |
Python2.4 | 3.41 |
Perl5.6 | 4.61 |
Ruby1.8 | 6.47 |
PHP5 | 11.62 |
fibonacci (32) |
C (gcc) | 0.08 |
Java * | 0.29 |
Qu -O | 0.54 |
Euphoria | 0.67 |
Qu | 1.31 |
Python2.4 | 5.81 |
Perl5.6 | 9.19 |
Ruby1.8 | 9.45 |
PHP5 | 15.12 |
ackermann (3, 10) |
C (gcc) | 0.78 |
Java * | 1.04 |
Qu -O | 4.73 |
Euphoria | 6.74 |
Qu | 33.46 |
Python2.4 | 90.79 |
Perl5.6 | 112.34 |
Ruby1.8 | 191.76 |
object (1500000) |
Java * | 0.47 |
C++ (g++) | 0.48 |
Qu -O | 1.61 |
Qu | 2.53 |
Ruby1.8 | 11.02 |
Python2.4 | 11.13 |
Perl5.6 | 33.65 |
* interpolated (not actually tested)
values are in seconds.
Here are the Qu programs just in case you want to try them out.
sub ackermann (m, n)
return m
? (n
? ackermann (m - 1, ackermann (m, n - 1))
: ackermann (m - 1, 1))
: n + 1
sub fibonacci (n)
return n > 2 ? 1 : fibonacci (n - 2) + fibonacci (n - 1)
const IM = 139968
const IA = 3877
const IC = 29573
LAST = 42
sub gen_random (max)
LAST = (LAST * IA + IC) % IM
return (max * LAST) / IM
sub doheapsort (a, n)
r = i = j = 0
l = (n >> 1) + 1
k = n
if l > 1
r = a[--l]
r = a[k]
a[k--] = a[1]
if k == 1
a[1] = r
i = l
j = l << 1
while j <= k
if j < k and a[j] < a[j + 1]
if r < a[j]
a[i] = a[j]
i = j
j += i
j = k + 1
a[i] = r
sub heapsort (n)
a = Array.make (n + 1, lambda (i) gen_random (1.0))
doheapsort (a, n)
class Toggle
var state = true
sub __init (start_state)
self.state = start_state
sub value
return self.state
sub activate
self.state = !self.state
return self
class NthToggle is Toggle
var count_max = 3
var counter = 0
sub __init (start_state, max_counter)
super.__init (start_state)
self.count_max = max_counter
self.counter = 0
sub activate
if ++self.counter >= self.count_max
self.state = !self.state
self.counter = 0
return self
sub object (n)
toggle1 = Toggle (true)
for __ in 1, 5
println (toggle1.activate.value)
for __ in 1, n
toggle = Toggle (true)
ntoggle1 = NthToggle (true, 3)
for __ in 1, 8
println (ntoggle1.activate.value)
for __ in 1, n
toggle = NthToggle (true, 3)