The Qu Programming Language
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Remember that there are many examples in the demo directory and a syntax highlighting definition file for Kate in the doc directory.

This is the famous Hello World program excessively written in Qu. We could just say:

print ('Hello World!')

but that wont be fun. Besides, the following example does tell you some things about Qu.

# A sample program
use Time

println (Time.web)

sub hello (msg = nil)
    Prints a message for the world.

    local head = false
    do try
        msg is String or throw EValue, "me want string"
        msg.('l' _ 'en') or throw EValue
        print (msg.capitalize)
        head = true
    catch EValue
        msg = `hello`
        assert (head is true, "eh?")
            Lets do this right

        println (' World!')

And here is a "simpler" one showing you the power of validators.

hello ('world!')

sub Message (x)
    return x is String and x and not x.isspace ? x.capitalize : false

sub hello (s: Message)
    println ('Hello ', s) # guess what it prints!
end sub
# oh, you can use 'end' to close blocks, if you like

var name: String.isalpha
var path: File.isabs

enum Level

struct Person
    name : String
    age  : Integer
    pals : Array of Person

sub foo (x: Person) -> Level

const Picky = 1..10
const Weird = const [1, 2, 7, 9]

var foo: Picky

sub foo (x: Picky) -> Weird

Here are some examples of Qu's flexible syntaxes.

println (x) if y > 10
println (x) for x in 1, 20

= [for i in 1, 2: [for j in i, i + 2: i + j]]
= [while i--: i if i & 1]
= {for c in 'abcde': c == 'd' ? break : c}

= sub (x) return x.len > 3 ;;
= lambda (x) x.len > 3
= {|x| x.len > 3}
= {|x| yield i for i in x}

a.sort (sub (x, y) return x <=> y ;;)
a.sort (lambda (x, y) x <=> y)
a.sort ({|x y| x <=> y})

Qu has an "experimental" feature that allows you to override or extend functions of any module and even methods of any class, provided that you do it from a trusted module. Extremely abusive but very useful in some situations.

sub Sys.print (*arg)
    Stream.stdout <<< x for x in arg

sub String.notempty
    return self.len > 0

sub class File.nicepath (x)
    return File.valid (x) and ' ' not in x

var path: File.nicepath

# Here is a real example
use Sys

sub Sys.println (*arg)
    static linecount = 0
    Stream.stdout <<< ++linecount <<< ': '
    Stream.stdout <<< x for x in arg
    Stream.stdout <<< Stream.stdout.linebreak

Stream.stdout.linebreak = ' :-)\n'

println ('Hello')
println ('World')

# can you guess the output?

Qu provides convenient ways to communicate with C. The Dlib class provides access to shared libraries. The Proc class makes it possible for C functions to call Qu functions. The Pointer class provides an easy way to deal with C structs.

local handler = Proc (@foo, 2)

sub foo (a:_int_, b:_float_, c:_String_, d:_double_) -> _String_
    println ('self = ' self)
    println ('a = ', a)
    println ('b = ', b)
    println ('c = ', c)
    println ('d = ', d)
    return 'Hello from Qu'

= Dlib ('/opt/qu/lib/') ('QuSetIt', '-:P', handler) ('QuCallIt')

struct Foo
    thing : _int_
    thang : _float_

= Pointer (Foo)
p->thing = 1
p->thang = 2.3

Here is an example using the indentation style ala Python.
The difference is that you must only use tabs.

The pragma statement must be the first statement in the file. Once specified, it means you are using indentation style for the whole file.

The line continuation token is a triple dot.

hello ('Hello')

sub hello (s)
    if s
        for c in s
            print (c)
        println (' World!')
        __exit__ (1)

= b + ...
    c + d

Did you know you can embed HTML code directly in your Qu program? Here's an example.

pragma html

options = [foo:1, bar:2, baz:3]

    <SELECT NAME="choice">
    for k, v in options
        <OPTION VALUE=v>(\k)</OPTION>
    <INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Send">

And finally a glance at Qu's object oriented style.

This is not the whole story, of course. And remember that in Qu using object oriented programming is just a matter of choice.

use Foo
use FooEdit
use FooDisplay

class Bar is Foo (FooEdit.FooEditStandard, FooDisplay) __final

    const ValidAge = 1..200

    var class flag = 1

    var name := ''
            return name is String
                and name.len in 1..40
                and not name.isspace

    var nice = true
    var age: ValidAge

    sub __init (name, age, nice = true) = name
        self.age  = age
        self.nice = nice if nice

    sub class setflag (x: Int) -> Null
        flag = x

    sub say (x)
        static v = const ['bad', 'nice']
        println ([Int (self.nice)] ': ' x)

    sub __print
        print ('I am a ' self.__name)

    sub Nice
        return self.nice

var Her: Foo.Nice


Copyright © 2006 by Marc K.
Generated by Doc.qm Thu, 15 Jun 2006 02:13:48 GMT