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August 01, 2000
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July 05, 2000
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June 01, 2000
No. 31, Thn VI, Mei/Juni 2000, Hal 7-8
No. 31, Thn VI, Mei/Juni 2000, Hal 9
Majalah LINUX Indonesia
Thn II, No. 8, Mei/Juni 2000, Hal 1-2,8
Majalah LINUX Indonesia
Thn II, No. 8, Mei/Juni 2000, Hal 3-4
Majalah LINUX Indonesia
Thn II, No. 8, Mei/Juni 2000, Hal 5
Welcome to my homepage. It's nice to meet you on the internet.
The aim of this homepage is to provide some informations on my
experiences in using Linux, my geophysical resources, and
some other things that I think people should know. The articles
are written in English and Indonesian. Most of my Linux articles
are in Indonesian while most of the geophysical related articles
are in English. The Linux articles are intentionally written in Indonesian
to give an opportunity for Indonesians to learn about Linux and
its use in educational or industrial environment.
Linux is becoming popular in Indonesia and there have been a lot of
users group sharing their experiences through their own websites or
mailing lists. This personal homepage is one of them.
Most of the articles
I wrote are specifically for educational purposes. In other words,
they are written for students in the universities who want to use
Linux and its complementary programs for computational programming
and scientific writing and plotting. I also include some of my geophysical
programs which run under Linux and how to use them. It is my hope that
you can benefit from this very simple personal homepage. If you like
this homepage and you think that your friends or colleagues will also benefit
from this homepage, please feel free to recommend it to them.
Please also find some informations about me in the following parts.
My Job
I'm a lecturer at the Physics Department, University of Indonesia
and I'm highly interested in geophysical studies.
I teach the following subjects :
- Digital Data Processing
- Introduction to Geophysics
- Geophysical Computation
- Statistics
In the past, I taught Diagnostic Imaging for
Medical Physics students.
My Interest
My main interest as a lecturer is to introduce four different things that
have strong relationship to be mastered by our students.
They are :
- physics
- mathematics
- computation
- application to industries
When the use of Linux in Indonesia started to increase a couple of
years ago, I decided to implement this powerful operating
system on our PCs for academic purposes. I did this in hope
that my students will be familiar to UNIX operating system
that is being widely used in industries.
On the other side, Linux offers
many advantages for academic community as I've experienced
in the last years.
Of course the license issue is another
point of view. However, I'm definitely sure that if I have to pay
for using Linux, and if I can pay for that 8-),
I will choose Linux to be installed on my PC
due to its power for doing scientific jobs.
Fortunately, Linux is an open source system and there has been
a wide range software contribution developed by a lot of people.
Because of the abundance of free softwares running on Linux,
"promoting" the use of Linux
to the academic community through this homepage has been my interest
since the beginning of this year.
My Pictures
Please find below some of my experiences framed in pictures.
My Tcl/Tk Programming in Linux
I wrote some Tcl/Tk programs for me :
GMT version 3.3.4 is now available to download.
Click here
to download all files you need.
How to create a sketch from your digital color photograph.
Click here
to know more.
Click here to obtain a list containing scientific
softwares for use in Linux
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04 s/d 08 Juni 2000