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I was born in 1961, married, two lovely daughters, a mix Belgian and Indonesian, ex civil engineer now just an ordinary programmer, and I'm too lazy to write anything else because there's just nothing interesting about me, except perhaps that I am the author of the Qu Programming Language, that is, if you think that is interesting.

Well, at least I have some pictures.

Lina, new born Khatya, Khania and Me (1999)

Khania, 3 years old (1998)

Khatya, 4 years old (2003)

Khania's first birthday (1996)
Top: Benny & Nadia (Anne's son & daughter), Me, Budi (Anne's husband)
Bottom: Mom, Khania (my daughter), Lina (my wife), Nenden (my sister), Anne (my sister)

Copyright © Marc Krisnanto
Whatever that means.